First up there were two new Pokemon revealed in the magazine CoroCoro that comes out each month. The English names of these Pokemon have yet to be announced but based on the information given they are.
- Iwanko - the Puppy Pokemon, Rock type with the abilities of either Keen Eye or Vital Spirit. It was original shown in a trailer in the corner of the screen for a brief second. It apparently holds a secret along with the starter Pokemon of the Region
- Nekkoala - the Half Awake Pokemon, Normal type with the new ability Definite Sleep. Not much is known about this Koala other than that its ability prevents it from receiving any status condition other than sleep.
Continuing on with new Pokemon revealed. On the Nintendo Treehouse at E3 they showed gameplay of the game around the first area. Two new pokemon were shown in this and a third in trailer after the event giving more information on the two in the gameplay as well.
First up is the Woodpecker Pokemon Pikipek. It is a Normal/Flying type like all of the early game bird pokemon. It was originally shown in the announcement trailer of Sun and Moon as a wireframe model and left many wondering what type of bird it could be. It carries the abilities Keen Eye or Skill Link. As shown by the Pokedex it will evolve twice like most of the early game bird Pokemon.

Next is the Loitering Pokemon Yungoos. It is a Normal type and assumed to be the games early rodent style Pokemon like Rattata. It carries the abilities Strong Jaw or the new ability Stakeout which deals twice the normal damage if the opponent has just switched into battle. It was revealed that it will evolve once, again like the early normal type rodents of past generations.

The official website states 'Grubbin relies on its sturdy jaw as a weapon in battle and as a tool for borrowing through the earth. Grubbin loves electricity, which is why it can be found near power plants and substations. By wrapping tree branches in the sticky threads that it spews from its mouth, Grubbin can swing around like an actor on suspension wires!'
Within the last trailer for Sun and Moon they revealed a lot of details about the legendary Pokemon who appear on each box. Solgaleo the Sunne Pokemon and Lunala the Moone Pokemon. However more details have come to light regarding these two Pokemon. They have phases that change their appearance slightly to what they usually are. These forms are called 'Radiant Sun Phase' and 'Full Moon Phase'. The official website describes these.
'Solgaleo and Lunala are two Pokemon that hold an important key to the story. The forms that these two Pokemon take when they release their mighty power and now revealed as the Radiant Sun phase and the Full Moon phase. Both appear to be shining with a stronger light than in their previously released images. What will these two do when they release their full power?'
It is unknown what the changes do, however it is confirmed that certain moves will cause both of these legendaries to change form. It is unknown however if this is just from their signature moves 'Moongeist beam' and 'Sunsteel Strike' or if other moves will change them as well.
Towards the end of last year in CoroCoro numerous forms with shown for the legendary Pokemon Zygarde. These forms made fans believe that the game 'Pokemon Z' was coming, however these Zygarde forms were just announced for the anime at the time. As the months went on fans were waiting in anticipation for them to announce Pokemon Z however they instead revealed Pokemon Sun and Moon. This left fans wondering what would happen to Zygarde's forms, if they were going to be just anime exclusive. However last Saturday it was confirmed that they would be in the game via a trailer.
Introducing for the first time into the games, Zygarde 10% Forme and Zygarde Complete Forme.
The dog looking 10% Forme has two new moves that were originally found in the coding for X and Y. The first is Thousand Arrows that is a Ground type move but it also has the ability to hit opponents in the air, this causes them to fall down to the ground. The second is Thousand Waves which is another Ground type move that crawls across the ground, any Pokemon hit with this cannot flee from battle. It has the ability 'Swarm Change' that causes it to change to Zygarde complete form at very low HP.
The beastly looking Zygarde Complete changes its base HP after it changes forme from the 10% Forme, recovering it back to full HP. It is unknown what its ability is however it uses a unique move called 'Core Enforcer' it is unknown if it has any additional effects but it when it uses the move, it creates a giant Z across the ground.

During the Nintendo Treehouse event, various aspects of gameplay were shown. This was all early game around route 1 where the player was heading to a Festival on the Island. The player had a Popplio as their starter Pokemon and they were able to explore route 1 for items, pokemon and trainers finishing with the Festival and a battle against your rival Hau who has the weaker starter from yours and a Pichu.
They gave a look at the new battle interface during the Treehouse event, laying it out differently from before.
In the top left it shows a Pokeball and the Y button, this could be a quick select for the players most recent item. Pressing that will automatically use it rather than having to go into the bag.
The usual buttons are more spaced out to make room for the feature in the centre of the bottom screen. It shows the players currently selected Pokemon and the opponent. By pressing on those pictures it will take the player into a new screen that shows if they have a stat up or stat drop on different stats. A down blue arrow for a stat drop was shown. There was a symbol next to either of the Pokemon that had a stat drop.
After fighting a Pokemon for the first time it will tell the player on each of their Pokemon's moves if it is effective against the Pokemon or not. This will no doubt list if the move is not very effective, super effective or has no effect when it is applicable.
A new feature in the Pokedex allows players to see if a Pokemon they have caught has an evolution or another Pokemon relating to it. In the clip it showed Ledyba with a white Pokeball symbol next to it due to it evolving into Ledian. It also did this for Pikipek showing two Pokeballs and Yungoos showing one Pokeball.
When the player walks in front a trainer the screen gets darker around the top and bottom which indicates that they are in the trainers line of sight. Not only that but both trainers will appear in the battle as shown with this Lass and her Caterpie. This will be amazing, especially to be able to see the Gym Leaders/Elite Four in battle as well!
A new battle format was shown to be in Sun and Moon. The new Battle Royal format brings in four players against each other rather than just one trainer against another or two trainers against two in doubles. Each trainer can use up to three Pokemon and they can attack any of the other three Pokemon on the field. The arena seems to be that of a boxing ring or similar to it. Depending on the amount of damage and Pokemon remaining the game will rank each player from 1 to 4 to see is the overall winner. It appears to be whoever knocks out the most Pokemon wins.
An interesting thing of note from the Battle Royal, not only did they introduce this mode similar to the free for all battles that players made up using the doubles format. They confirmed that trainer customisation is back for the game as each of the four hero characters are wearing different outfits and colours.
That covers the content received over the last week for Pokemon Sun and Moon. However based on some of the information, here are a couple of predictions for Pokemon.
- Yungoos's evolution will go a Purugly route with it getting bigger due to its appetite
- As mentioned in Yungoos's bio, it fights with a certain other Pokemon. This could be a Snake with Yungoos being a Mongoose.
- Grubbin could have split evolutions, one going Bug/Ground and the other Bug/Electric based on its bio.
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