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Thursday, 18 August 2016
Injustice 2 Character Roster so far
Before E3 back in June, NetherRealm Studios dropped an announcement trailer for the sequel to their DC fighter 'Injustice Gods Among Us'. Revealing a select few characters in CG free for all, they then went on to show gameplay at E3 showing those characters in action along with some more new characters.
Not only that but at Comic Con and Gamescom 4 more characters have been revealed. Here is a look at the currently revealed roster and some trailers from the latest reveals.
Aquaman Starting off with one of the returning characters from the first game. The King of Atlantis is back with his trusty trident, a wide variety of new tricks and his signature Great White Shark from his finisher back in Injustice.
In the first game, Aquaman was one of the heroes who was sent to the alternate Earth that was being ruled by Superman. He fought his corrupt self who worked for Superman and managed to win with his allies before being sent home. It is unknown if this game is set on Earth 1 or Earth 2 after Superman sets out to get his revenge. If this is Earth 1 Aquaman, he may be doing all he can to defend his Kingdom from the corrupted Superman of Earth 2. If it is Earth 2 Aquman, he may be trying to regain his honour after submitting to Superman.
Batman The Dark Knight himself who had a major role in the first games story. Batman is back with a new arsenal of attacks and gadgets.
In the original story, Batman from Earth 1 was brought to Earth 2 by there Batman along with some of his allies. In order to stop the corrupted Superman. The two Bruce Wayne's along with Earth 1's Superman managed to succeed, and Earth 1's Batman was sent home. However after Superman escapes, Earth 2 Batman would be the first person Superman would go for before breaking through to Earth 1. Batman appears ready to do battle with the fallen Kryptonian once again.
Superman After the death of Lois Lane by his own hands caused by the Joker. Clark Kent killed the psychopathic Clown in cold blood and started his own Regime. Trying to protect the world, he in fact enslaved it because he thought it was the right thing. However he was stopped by Earth 1's Superman and locked away in a Kryptonite prison. His eyes began to glow before the credits rolled, indicating his escape.
Out for revenge on not only Batman from his world, he has a bone to pick with the heroes of Earth 1. Will they be able to stop him this time? Will he beat Earth 1's Superman after his humiliating defeat?
The Flash
Having risen to TV fame in recent years and getting his role in the Justice League movie. It is no wonder Barry Allen is back as a returning character for Injustice 2. Bringing his Speedster skills to battle.
His role in the first game primarily followed the events of Earth 2 Flash. Who had joined up with Superman's regime, however after witnessing the death of Shazam at the hands of Superman he switched allegiance. Finding his old friend the Green Arrow who was from Earth 1 alive and well, he promised to hand himself in after the end of the battle with Superman. This could be Earth 2's Flash atoning for his past mistakes or Earth 1's Flash attempting to stop Superman.
With the recent popularity of the Flash TV show, could we see Reverse Flash or Zoom as rival characters for Barry?
Wonder Woman Another returning character who was revealed back at Comic Con. It is no surprise she is back in this title, with her role being quite major in the first game as well as her recent success in Batman vs Superman. She brings her lasso, sword and shield back into battle with her.
The first game followed the events of Earth 1's Wonder Woman, who along with Batman and others was brought to Earth 2 to overthrow Superman. Her Earth 2 counterpart was Superman's second in command and stepped in to stop the heroes on numerous occasions. Earth 1 Wonder Woman managed to stop her and reclaim the Amazonian honour before she returned back to her own world.
Harley Quinn The final revealed returning character, Haryley Quinn was revealed this week at Gamescom. Once again due to her recent role in the Suicide Squad movie and her general popularity, it is no wonder she is back. She appears to be bringing a lot of her old moves back but also bringing some new ones, most notably her two guard dogs.
In the first title, Harley was on Batman's side after the death of the Joker. She only did this as she needed somebody to follow, however Earth 1's Joker turned up and began to mess with her head and call her weak for siding with the heroes. Now it appears with the Joker no longer around, Harley has become stronger and in turn more unstable.
Supergirl Kara Zor-El makes her first appearance into the series as the first revealed new addition. With her gaining her own TV show as Supergirl, her popularity has increased and as such she made it into the roster. Kara is Clarks cousin, however based on the trailer it doesn't appear she is happy to see Superman.
Supergirl brings a lot of the moves Superman is known for, however due to her smaller and less bulky size she moves much faster.
A being of hatred and rage that leads the Red Lantern Corps. Atrocitus makes his first appearance into the series accompanied by Dex-Star, after the Green Lantern and Sinestro appeared in the first game, could this mean that neither of these character will appear because of Atrocitus addition? Or that his addition confirms that the Green Lantern will be in it? Focusing his hate on the Green Ringed hero.
Gorilla Grodd
Due to the recent success of the Flash TV show, Gorilla Grodd as appeared in a few episodes. With his latest one appearing at a Primate Sanctuary on Earth 2 where he will no doubt lead a rebellion. This talking and highly intelligent Gorilla was a surprise addition for many, however his success in the show may have had a result in his addition. Fighting both the Flash in the show and the Justice League in the comics, he is a great fit for the game.
Blue Beetle
Revealed alongside Wonder Woman at Comic Con, the Blue Beetle was a shock announcement. Taking the form of Jamie Reyes, who took on the mantle of the Blue Beetle after a magic scarab attached itself to his back. This allows him to produce different weapons and body armour for his protection, making him an interesting choice to the roster. It is great to see the lesser known or less popular heroes being added into the series, to give them a chance to shine.
The final revealed character so far. Like others Deadshot has risen in popularity in recent years, with his inclusion in the TV show Arrow, along with his appearance in the Suicide Squad movie. It is no wonder he has made it into the roster for Injustice 2. Using a wide variety of guns, he blasts his way through his opponents. However his appearance here may mean the absence of Deathstroke who has in the first game.
To go with these roster run down, here are the reveal trailers for Harley Quinn + Deadshot and Wonder Woman + Blue Beetle.
Injustice 2 will be coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One in 2017, who would you like to see in this roster?
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